Welcome back to the Benbo, Goddard! See ya in Chicago>>>
Bipolar disorder is characterized by an alternating pattern of emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression). Intensity of signs and symptoms varies. For many people, manic signs and symptoms may include:
- The "highs" of bipolar disorder
· Increased physical and mental activity and energy
· In the most severe cases, delusions and hallucinations
During the manic phase, symptoms can include:
· High level of energy and activity
· Irritable mood
· Decreased need for sleep
· Exaggerated, puffed-up self-esteem
· Rapid or "pressured" speech
· Rapid thoughts
· Tendency to be easily distracted
· Increased recklessness
· Quick to anger
· Impatience with other people
Persecutory delusions.
Delusions of jealousy
· False beliefs (delusions) or false perceptions (hallucinations)
During elated moods, a person may have delusions of grandeur, while irritable moods are often accompanied by paranoid or suspicious feelings.
Manic symptoms may also include:
· overly inflated self-esteem
· decreased need for rest and sleep
· increased distractibility and irritability
· increased physical agitation
· excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that may result in painful consequence; this may include provocative, aggressive, or destructive behavior
· increased talkativeness
· excessive "high" or euphoric feelings
· increased sex drive
· increased energy level
· uncharacteristically poor judgment
· increased denial
Many projects may be started but few are finished
Obsession to finish a single project while other work is neglected
Grandiose ideas with delusions of grandeur
Tendency when speaking for sentences trail off without finishing them
Forget words but may invent new ones
Speech may speed up and become unintelligible
Intense urge to do things, even knowing that they are stupid
Get irritated about the smallest things
Ignoring people and criticism
Denial of any responsibility for acts committed
Talking to oneself
Getting verbally twitchy
Illusions of hearing voices of unseen persons
Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
· Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
· Grandiose delusions, inflated sense of self-importance
· Racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas
· Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractibility
· Reckless behavior
· In severe cases, delusions and hallucinations
o distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli);
o increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation;
o more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking;
o flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing;
affective instability"rejection hypersensitivity"dysphoriairritability, intense angeranxiety
Poor concentration is an early symptom of this disorder. A depressed person quickly becomes mentally fatigued when asked to read, study, or solve complicated problems.
Marked forgetfulness often accompanies this disorder. As it worsens, this memory loss can be easily mistaken for early senility (dementia).
Psychomotor retardation manifests as a slowing of coordination, speech, and impaired articulation. A person appears sluggish and seems hesitant or confused in speech and intention.
Mood incongruent themes include delusions of control, persecution, thought broadcasting and thought insertion.
Psychomotor agitation can also lead to generalized restlessness.
Psychomotor activities are the physical gestures that result from mental processes and are a product of the psyche. Many psychomotor behaviors associated with mental disorder affect impulses, cravings, instincts, and wishes. The spectrum of agitated behavior includes: Incoherent conversation, Expansive gesturing, Pacing and hair twirling
Feelings of euphoria, extreme optimism and inflated self-esteem
Rapid speech, racing thoughts, agitation and increased physical activity
Poor judgment
Recklessness or taking chances not normally taken
Extreme irritability
Bipolar disorder may be confused with Psychosis, a major mental disorder in which the personality is disorganized and contact with reality is impaired, often including auditory hallucinations and delusions — firmly held erroneous beliefs.
It might sound bad but living this way makes life more interesting!
Ooooohhhh yeah.
Chi-town here I come. Booked my flight yesterday.
wish i had money to go.....sucks to not have a job....
anyway, seeing that I have many of those symptoms does make me wonder why i haven't gone for help......but i guess that's because my family can;t afford it.....nor does my family know about it, nor ddo i care to tell them
well anywho...much loves and hugs to yeh darling
the US seriously needs a national health system like Canada and the UK. id be screwed if i didnt get all my meds and psych treatment for free, my family are poor too. Jessica xx
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