Just watched "It's A Wonderful Life" and cried. Cried mainly because I woke up at 7pm after sleeping all day and the house was empty. No note telling me where Lora and Ashley went or anything.
I saw Lora and my ste-dad talking in the yard yesterday and when I went outside they quickly shut up and pretended they were'nt talking. They know this time of year is bad for me and I think they're plotting against me.
It's quiet and dark and I can hear the things crawling inside the walls. They're waiting for me to lose myself in the Internet so they can come out and start fucking with me.
I wish Lora would hurry home.
Unless she's out planning a way to ave me locked up then FUCK HER AND I HOPE SHE ROTS!!!
That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown!
Ann Coulter is a preditor with a hungry asshole!
`Twas The Night Before X-Mas!
T'was the night before X-mas,
And all through the night,
The creatures were scurrying,
To hide from the light.
Black candles were lit
By the alter with care.....
The 'Man In Black Velvet'
Was soon to appear.
The 'good kids' were nestled
All snug in their beds...
The 'bad kids' were plotting
To fill them with dread.
And mamma in her white dress,
And me dressed in black,
Had just settled down,
Awaiting attack.
When out on the road,
Came a noise so perverse....
I threw open the window,
And saw a black hearse.
The moon on the banks
Of the new-fallen snow,
Gave way to the shadows
Of someone's black Crow.
When, what to my frightened
Eyes should appear?....
The 'Man In Black Velvet',
To conjure up fear.
Such a tall scary driver,
He gave a short pause,
I knew in an instant,
That he's SATAN CLAWS!
More rapid than lightening,
His demons they came.
And he growled and he screeched,
As he called them by name....
"Now Dragon! Now Devil!
Now Serpent! Now Succubus!
On Beelzebub! On Wicked One!
On Lucifer, and Incubus!
To the top of the roof,
To the top of the wall......
Now haunt away, haunt away,
Haunt away ALL!"
Like moths to a flame,
The demons did fly...
With cat-like appearance,
They reached for the sky.
So up to the house-top,
They floated and flew......
Up went the demons,
And then in a moment,
I heard on the roof....
The scurry and clicking,
Of each cloven hoof.
As I reached for my cross,
Beginning to pray...
Satan Claw's demons,
Had started to play.
He was dressed all in black,
From his head to his foot.
His boots trimmed in Marabou,
The color of soot.
The black sack of gifts,
From his fingerless gloves,
Were wrapped in black paper,
His version of 'love'.
There were switches and pine cones,
And dolls for the house.......
There were spiders and insects,
And even a mouse!
His eyes - they were yellow,
He wore a mean look,
His lips were light brown,
His nose, like a hook.
He had a chained cross,
That hung way down low.....
And his beard and his hair,
Were white as the snow.
His long velvet hat,
With a ball on the end,
Was black, like his suit,
And had a slight bend.
He had a pale face,
His belt was medieval,
His voice was like thunder,
His laughter was evil.
He was thin and quite gaunt,
A demonic old elf......
And I freaked when I saw him,
And voided myself.
With a wink of his eye,
And a twist of his head,
He filled me with terror,
With fear and with dread.
He uttered no words,
But left wicked toys.....
He blew out the candles......
And echoed "Enjoy!".
Releasing his Raven,
Encircling the room,
They vanished in seconds....
In smoke, I presume.
He sprang to his hearse,
To his team gave a nod....
Quickly they came,
To their dark, cackling god.
I heard his voice echo,
As they drove out of sight.....
"Have a wicked good time,
And to all a ghoul-night."
Sara 'Croft' is quite the looker.
Read the comic again! May that keep you smiling!
Jim, are you KIDDING? I've already framed one of those books you sent and it's on the wall right above my comp screen! :p
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