"I'm omnipotent. I don't need to lie." ~Emily Greta Ellison
A lot has happened within the dark twisted mind of Sara Jane Poe over the last couple weeks. The voice has been silent but the brain has been filled with thoughts. Dark thoughts. Dark but new. New images, new words, new music playing in my head. New thoughts everyday.
So I have decided to redesign Sara's Darkness somewhat to go along with those thoughts. So don't be surprised if you come here one day and everything is different.
Or not so different.
Welcome to the FIRST Edition Of...
Angela Robinson (Director, the L Word.) has a new lesbian online show thats she's writing/directing called "GirlTrash". It's going to be a series of "webisodes."
The cast is amazing! Jordana Brewster, Mandy Musgrave, Gabrielle Christian, Margaret Cho, Rose Rollins, and Riki Lindhome.
Here's a snippet of what its about:
"Set in the criminal underworld of Los Angeles with a dark but over the top Miami Vice vibe, Girltrash! follows the story of five ass-kicking girls, getting by any way they can, even if it means double crossing your best friend or former lover.
A gang war is brewing. You'll be asked to...Pick a side."
You can watch each webisode here, http://www.ourchart.com/girltrash
episode one
And here's the first scene with Mandy Musgrave and Gabrielle Christian, Misty and Colby, from the tv show "South of Nowhere"...(The girls play lesbian lovers on THAT show, too.)
Girls, 14, ejected from Ore. bus for kissing
published Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A teen lesbian couple and their parents may file a complaint with the Portland, Ore., transit agency after the girls were kicked off a bus for making a public display of affection.
Maika Rich and Jocelyn O'Neal, both 14, told KATU-TV that they were on a bus headed to the Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Center on June 8 when a female passenger complained to the driver that they had been kissing. The driver told them to stop, calling them "sickos."
Maika said she gave Jocelyn a hug because the girl looked upset about the exchange, KATU reported. At that point, the driver stopped the bus and ordered them off.
Maika's mother, Ronnda Zezula, later complained, telling the station she didn't believe straight teens -- or gay adults -- would have been treated the same way.
A spokesperson for Portland's TriMet transit system said the agency has a policy to never eject an underage or vulnerable person from a bus. Authorities are investigating the incident. (The Advocate)
Gore to Run in '08 if He Wins Nobel Prize!
Former Vice President Al Gore will join the 2008 presidential race if he wins the Nobel Peace Prize in October, Democratic Party players tell NewsMax.
Gore has been nominated for the Peace Prize for his efforts to draw attention to the dangers of global warming.
Party insiders believe that a Gore campaign launched as late as October will still have enough time to raise money and challenge front-runners Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. They point to Newt Gingrich, who has said he won't announce whether he will seek the GOP nomination until Nov. 6.
The view from across the pond is that Gore could actually benefit by waiting to join the race. Britain's Daily Telegraph, in an article headlined "Al waits in the wings as Hillary and Barack battle it out," notes this about the current campaigners: "All the efforts of all these candidates might be for naught. Fred Thompson, on the Republican side, and Al Gore, on the Democratic side, have been watching in amusement . . .
"Al Gore tours the U.S. promoting his new book . . . and his apocalyptic movie, in the process gathering the names of thousands of potential volunteers and campaign donors."
LINKZzz and Stuf!
Top 10 True Life Earth Mysteries
The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Times
The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts
The Comic Book Podcast with a Decidedly Queer Perspective.
Ooooh, it'd be neat to one day just see it all different. ^_^
That show looks awesome!
Hi, Sabs. :) I'm working on it so...
I want Pink and purple.
Any way, we should take a trip to Tunguska. You can take the coven and I can...moving on.
um, stuff :D
Well, if you want a pic of cartoon Sara for a background, I'd be happy to do one for you. It'd just take me a little while. XD
Heya, Jon. No, the Russian army moved the remains of whatever hit there YEARS ago. But, HEY, lesbians in the forest... :)
Captain Who? Are your initials MAO? Dark minds want to know the answer.
wow...a complete relaunch huh?
sounds very comic book-like
i dunnoh, i like how it looks now...but yer a great person with an amazing imagination, so i'll love it whatever it is the final look will be
hoping everything is good on your end of things hon, much love
Damn commercial break is lasting FOREVER!
Sorry no update guys. I've been depressed. I've also been trying to redesign, but nothing I come up with looks good so I might just make the changes more subtle.
I'm working on a blog post and it should be ready by tomorrow.
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