"Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures, the authenticity of which we must, to a great extent, take for granted."
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 712)
There were times late at night when I would just want to SCREAM!
Growing up iNsAnE was tough on me. Tough on everyone, really. There was only ONE THING that kept me from going forever over the brink. My Lora. She kept me sane and is still doing so today. Just by loving me.
Lora has grown from a shy little dog-furred, Eskimo coat wearing basketcase onto a beautiful and intelligent woman who has a HUGE future ahead of her in the community or elsewhere if she so choose.
I'm still iNsAnE.
But that's okay because I'm also nearly a genius. (If you go by IQ scores that is.) Everybody says so.
"You're such an intelligent girl," they say, "so how can you do such fucked up shit?"
The people here in the community all know me and I consider them all an extended family. Even the ones I don't know so well. The names Poe and McCullough, my family names, are intermarried with just about everyone here. At least at one time over the last couple centuries they have been.
This place is my home.
Current day; Lora runs the community center across the street. I, genius that I am, run the cold beverage stand by our newly installed pool. Lora has been taking Tae Kwon Do for three years now. I have problems opening a mayo jar.
Lora is held in HIGH respect in our little community. I'm still crazy.
I don't feel bad about any of this. Lora is who she is and my love for her is without condition. I am who I am and really don't want any more responsibility, plus Lora loves me unconditionally, too, so it's all good.
At one time we were both pretty lost in the world. Now we know who and what we are and we're very PROUD of it.
My little sister is another story entirely. She's already slept with almost as many girls as I have and is ACTIVELY looking for more. Promiscuity is NOT the thing you seek for a good reputation. (I'm not shallow in that way, just realistic.)
My older sister, Analie, was kinda SHOCKED when Laura came out to her. She herself had a fling with another chick when she was away at college a few years back, but decided that she liked the DICK better. Now she's a college drop out and single mom. (You fuckin' men should all be chained in my cellar! GRRRR!)
Well, I'm just getting over a four day headache and don't want to get too stressed writing so I'm ending this short. More this week...
part one
part two
part three
part four
I am thinking about discontinuing Lesbian Theater. It's very time consuming and I don't think anyone enjoys it (Lack of comments on it is a sign.) so I'm thinking about replacing it with something else. ~Sara<3
SDCC Day 3: *LIVE* Joss Whedon, presented by Dark Horse
This event is being brought to you live from the San Diego Comic Con.
Joss Whedon's Equality Now speech
* Serenity will have a new comic series launching soon.
* Sugarshock was launched yesterday on myspace.com/darkhorsepresents yesterday. This is a free comic brought to you from Dark Horse. Fabio Moon is the artist and Joss writes. The comic will continue as a monthly, free on Myspace. http://creative.myspace.com/groups/_mh/mdhp/pages/issue01/sshock.html
* Joss is also writing X-Men and Runaways though his run is winding down.
* A collector's edition of Serenity is coming out soon. It will include extended scenes, out takes and special features. This deluxe package is due August 21, 2007.
* What have I done for you lately? Joss has written a Wonder Woman script though the project's status is not clear at the moment.
* Goners is the movie project Joss is working on the hardest right now. The script is still in development.
* Drew Goddard and Joss have written a movie together.It is called Cabin In The Woods and it is the horror film to end all horror films. This is the first time this project has been announced.
* Joss is also in negotiations to film Ripper some time in the next year. This will be a 90 minute piece for the BBC if everything comes together.
* In order to provide a adequate amount of entertainment to the fans, Joss will be getting involved in a lot of smaller projects that will be able to be produced more easily.
* Oz will be returning, if and when there is some continuation of Buffy or Angel.
* Joss does plan to continue to writing or at least executive producing the Buffy comic, regardless of whatever work he gets involved in.
* Franchising is not a goal of Joss's. He feels that it interfers with story telling. If it happens organically, so be it, but it should never be sought.
* Joss would be interested in directing an episode of Heroes but he doesn't have the time to devote to work like that. His style is to get so involved in whatever he's working on, that he would not be able to do the series service at this point.
* Joss is the father of two children now, which of course spreads his time to devote to all the projects he wants to do even thinner. Sometimes it's very hard to focus on his work. This proved especially trying during the writing of Wonder Woman. He keeps at most 12 clip boards on his wall, one for each project and he uses those to focus his attention. Which ever project jumps out at him, he will spend time on that.
* In addition to all the above, he is also working on a short ballet, called The Serving Girl. He is working with a coreographer on it.
* There are plans in the work for Fray, but it's all hush hush.
* Brian Lynch will be writing the Angel comic. It will be a max series, 12 issues by IDW.
* The Buffy comic will continue. The end of season 8 is approaching, but Joss has season 9 mapped out.
* Aleria was the most fun writing a character that Joss ever had, at least out of the 3 TV shows.
* While Joss would like to direct one of the few Harry Potter films, it's too late to get involved in a big machine like that. Of course he would drop everything to direct 7 in a heart beat.
* His vision of Wonder Woman was a strong woman, an Amazonian, who could not relate to the weakness of humans, making her isolated.
* Joss is exploring with great interest all the other venues to keep expressing himself beyond the limitations of a TV series or studio film.
* Joss is a hard core feminist and naturally that pervades the work he does.
* It's unlikely there will be an Angel movie at this point.
* Aleria grew out of Shakespeare's Lady Capulet character.
* Musicals are the hardest thing to write, but Joss has a strong desire to work in that genre. He does plan to get back to that, though there is no immediate project in the pipeline.
* If time allows, Joss writes out very specific, blocked out fight scenes in order to avoid a generic scene. When hiring a fightographer, he looks for creativity and energy. Keeping the actors safe is also a key priority.
* A weekly Buffy comic is not feasible.
* There was a plan in season 7 of Buffy to let her have a wish and she would have used it to bring back Terra. Unfortunately the deal never worked out and did not happen.
Sara says; This contradicts what Joss said early on, and what Amber Benson said, about Tara coming back in the episode, "Conversations with Dead People," as the First Evil. Tara refused so they used the character Cassie Newton, from the episode, "Help."
*Top Positive Female TV Characters
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Buffy Summers
This is what all the cool kids are doin'.
I would volunteer to let you tie me up in your basement, but I know you'd forget about me.
Thanks for the Joss stuff, I was waiting for a good summary on the board but never found one.
It looks like I'm going to get an office government job when I move up there, which is something I want so the people should go Yay.
who's random crotch had French Kiss on it? or was it just random crotch.
Okay I have to be off to work. But I have a Facebook thingy now. so if you, or any one else on this blog, have one, add me
No, Jon. I wouldn't forget you.
But eventually you'd pray that I would. ^^
hmm, hot or scary.
hot or scary
oh way I know
great posting as always
both erotic in nature and enlightening in ways that make a person feel good...
i feel good reading them, because i love to read what you write...
much love
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