"The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." ~George Washington, wrote these words when the Treaty of Tripoli was negotiated. (The treaty took effect under John Adams.)

With all that's going on in this country lately and the level of intolerance and seperatism, my family is now SERIOUSLY talking about packing up and moving to some place with a little more freedom to be who we are.

When the president says that "maybe Americans have too much freedom," after men a WHOLE HELLUVALOT BETTER THAN HIS CORRUPT, LYING ASS died so that we could have this freedom, we're all thinking that maybe it's time to go.
Lora and I have talked of this several times past but now my step-dad and several other prominate members of the community are seriously talking about starting a community (Or something resembling one.) somewhere else in the world.

Canada has been mentioned. So has Scotland and Switzerland. Russia, too, although the Russian mafia might make that undesirable.

Emily, my sister Laura, the Bishop family, the Raye family, along with me, Lora, my step-dad, baby brother and a couple others just might be coming to a country near YOU!
Just to show you all how ABSOLUTELY FED UP with the current sitch we are, we got the video shown below in the mail today.

We never sent for this and didn't ask nor want it but nearly everyone in the community got one. So in a fit of RAGE we three went around the community collecting these things, gathered them all up in the ceremonial field behind the community center, and began JUMPING UP AND DOWN JUST STOMPNG THE FUCK OUT OF THEM!!!
We kicked and cursed and eventually piled up all the pieces and set them afire!
Praise Jesus.
Lastly, on a totally unrelated note, The Necropolis Chronicles Book One can now be bought from here, http://www.indyplanet.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=67

This is the book I pimped here, http://sarasdarkness.blogspot.com/2005/12/necropolis-chronicles.html but with a new cover.
In Genesis 19:8 After the people of Sodom demand that Lot bring out the two angels so they may "know them," Lots says, "Look, I have two daughters who have not known a man; let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please."
Wanna know what we'd have if I had been Lot?
Raped angels.


