"In the unlikely story of America there's never been anything false about hope."
~President-Elect Barack Obama
Never Fuck A Girl On The First Date
There is a way to do things and there is a way NOT to do things. The main side effect of the terrible disease known to the world as "Lesbianism," is the uncontrollable, unrelenting, unsomethinging urge to have sex, move in with one another, break out the turkey baster and start dropping kids before you actually bring up the subject of shaving her pussy. (Yeah, explicit, but that's why you read my blog, right?)
That is why Lora and I, mostly Lora, when deciding that we wanted to bring Emily into our relationship, took it veeeeeeery slow. She actually lived with us for two months before moving into our room. It was a long and thought-out process that even till today none of us has EVER had one shred of regret.
That brings me to the story of one Miss Elizabeth Sarah Raye.
Beth for short.
Let me start by saying that Lora and I are NOT seductress'. So the tale you're about to read, although it may sound like it, is NOT a tale of two EVIL Lesbians trying to take advantage of some poor defenseless STRAIGHT girl, okay!
Or maybe it is. Feh, who cares.
I'll quickly summarize the beginning then move onto the good stuff.
In order to celebrate the OFFICIAL opening of a FULLY FURNISHED L-Xtreme, described in detail below, and to thank all of the people who helped to build Brier Rose Court, we five threw a HUGE party. People that were invited to eat arrived about 6:pm and we broke bread together. then around 8:pm the party-goers started to arrive.
L-Xtreme is a WONDROUS sight to behold. The room measures 30'x 60' and has a polished wood dance floor that's 15'x20' right in the center surrounded by a shallow burgundy carpet. We've got our own DJ booth with a wide screen Blue Ray TV set up for movie channels and music channels.
Theres a short 8' long bar and eight small drink tables that each seat four people.There is also a steamtable for h'orderves. and an entrance to the main bathroom. (We had two stalls put in so there wouldn't be so long a wait for people that had to pee.) There's also two exits; one that leads into the Riley House and another that leads out to Blackchaple Place.
We don't have a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, as they suck and none of us would have it, but we did set up a set of strobe lights that can be activated at the DJ booth.
We also tried our best to make it feel more like someone's home, rather than a club or a bar, and added a couple sofas and a coffee station at one end plus some pretty edgy wall art that got LOTS of raves at the party.
We also got to put our new vanity room upstairs into full use as all six of us, (Jimmy Mann takes up a lot of fucking room.) piled in all at once and whored ourselves up real good.
The story starts at around 9:30pm, when SHE walked into the door. Yes, SHE, as you may have guessed, is Elizabeth Sarah Raye.
As soon as I saw her and David I headed straight for where Lora was at.
"You invited them?" I whispered into her ear.
"Did you think I wouldn't?" Came her reply with an EVIL Lesbian grin. "Go talk to her." She followed.
"Are you serious?" I asked after a brief pause.
She stepped close and put her face right up to mine, "Go...talk to her."
"Okay," was all I could say then I turned and walked away, kinda feeling like she had just sent me, her advance scout, out on a seduction mission.
Okay, I'm not shy at talking to girls, but I was feeling a wee bit leary here at what we were doing, truth to tell. After all, this was a woman that came to the community because she had had her heart broken. Was this REALLY an okay thing to do?
I made my way around behind her just to get close enough to smell her. I wanted to know if she wore perfume and what kind before I could approach her. As soon as I got close I could smell that she had just showered and didn't use anything except bath powders. (BONUS!)
I tapped her on the shoulder.
To be continued...
That is why Lora and I, mostly Lora, when deciding that we wanted to bring Emily into our relationship, took it veeeeeeery slow. She actually lived with us for two months before moving into our room. It was a long and thought-out process that even till today none of us has EVER had one shred of regret.
That brings me to the story of one Miss Elizabeth Sarah Raye.
Beth for short.
Let me start by saying that Lora and I are NOT seductress'. So the tale you're about to read, although it may sound like it, is NOT a tale of two EVIL Lesbians trying to take advantage of some poor defenseless STRAIGHT girl, okay!
Or maybe it is. Feh, who cares.
I'll quickly summarize the beginning then move onto the good stuff.
In order to celebrate the OFFICIAL opening of a FULLY FURNISHED L-Xtreme, described in detail below, and to thank all of the people who helped to build Brier Rose Court, we five threw a HUGE party. People that were invited to eat arrived about 6:pm and we broke bread together. then around 8:pm the party-goers started to arrive.
L-Xtreme is a WONDROUS sight to behold. The room measures 30'x 60' and has a polished wood dance floor that's 15'x20' right in the center surrounded by a shallow burgundy carpet. We've got our own DJ booth with a wide screen Blue Ray TV set up for movie channels and music channels.
Theres a short 8' long bar and eight small drink tables that each seat four people.There is also a steamtable for h'orderves. and an entrance to the main bathroom. (We had two stalls put in so there wouldn't be so long a wait for people that had to pee.) There's also two exits; one that leads into the Riley House and another that leads out to Blackchaple Place.
We don't have a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, as they suck and none of us would have it, but we did set up a set of strobe lights that can be activated at the DJ booth.
We also tried our best to make it feel more like someone's home, rather than a club or a bar, and added a couple sofas and a coffee station at one end plus some pretty edgy wall art that got LOTS of raves at the party.
We also got to put our new vanity room upstairs into full use as all six of us, (Jimmy Mann takes up a lot of fucking room.) piled in all at once and whored ourselves up real good.
The story starts at around 9:30pm, when SHE walked into the door. Yes, SHE, as you may have guessed, is Elizabeth Sarah Raye.
As soon as I saw her and David I headed straight for where Lora was at.
"You invited them?" I whispered into her ear.
"Did you think I wouldn't?" Came her reply with an EVIL Lesbian grin. "Go talk to her." She followed.
"Are you serious?" I asked after a brief pause.
She stepped close and put her face right up to mine, "Go...talk to her."
"Okay," was all I could say then I turned and walked away, kinda feeling like she had just sent me, her advance scout, out on a seduction mission.
Okay, I'm not shy at talking to girls, but I was feeling a wee bit leary here at what we were doing, truth to tell. After all, this was a woman that came to the community because she had had her heart broken. Was this REALLY an okay thing to do?
I made my way around behind her just to get close enough to smell her. I wanted to know if she wore perfume and what kind before I could approach her. As soon as I got close I could smell that she had just showered and didn't use anything except bath powders. (BONUS!)
I tapped her on the shoulder.
To be continued...
Supercalafragalisticexpialladocious, And Other Such Things

T'was a dark and stormy night. (No, really. It was.) Laura and Jesca were out which left just we three to snuggle up on the sofa in the family room and watch a couple movies by ourselves.
That's when the knock came at the door.
We weren't expecting company but of late that doesn't usually matter as we've had all sorts of unexpected visitors, most wanting to see the new house. This knock came around 9:pm and was a rapid but soft knock. That knock, made by long fingernails, was very familiar to us. Although it was unusual for him to stop by unannounced, as Jimmy Mann is the polite sort.
Lora headed down the stairs as Emily and I waited at the top, when the door opened we three saw what was one of the most pitiful sights we'd ever seen.
Jimmy Mann stood there soaked from head to toe wearing a bright blue dress and a cheap plastic see-through raincoat. His hair was stringing down into face and his eyeliner had dripped down his cheeks and at his feet were two raggedy old suitcases.
Emily's first words..."He has suitcases."
Then he spoke. But when he did it was in a voice I didn't recognize. He sounded like a man. A hurt, sad man, and not the prim and prissy queer we all knew and loved.
"Donny threw me out. I didn't have anywhere else to go."
Lora immediately took him by the arm, "It's okay. Guys..." she yelled up to us, "...bring his bags to the main bathroom.
The next words Emily spoke after Lora and Jimmy disappeared into the bathroom...
"Did you see that he has suitcases?"
A little later they came out and Jimmy was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We all sat in the kitchen and drank coffee while he explained how he sucked some guy's dick in the McDonald's bathroom and Donny found out.
"Stop sucking guy's dicks. It's gross.," was my first response.
"It's addictive," he replied, which made Emily reach for her throat like she was gagging.
"Have you called your mom?" I asked before realizing I shouldn't have.
"What for." He said after a pause to light his cigarette, sounding even sadder than before.
"But look at you," Emily said. "You look like a man now. Maybe she'll be glad to see you."
"It's not the look, Emily, it's the ideal."
Long pause for thought...
"Well," Lora broke the silence, "You can stay in our guest cottage. It's just a small bedroom and a bathroom, but you're welcome to it. We can leave the backdoor unlocked for you, so when you want to come in and eat or watch tv, you can."
After another pause, "Thanks," Jimmy said. Then, "I'm gonna get a job. I just haven't been working because..."
To which Lora cut him off, "I know you will. Don't worry about it tonight. We have pizza and we're gonna watch 'Fingersmith.' You can snuggle with us."
"You wish," Jimmy said jokingly, and we all headed back upstairs.
The Next Night...
Saturday night is without doubt the most popular night at the community center. sometimes as many as 150 people show up. the pool area is open and most of the crowd stay outside. I like to stay inside where the central air is.
At about nine o' clock, Jimmy Mann walked in with Lora on his arm. (Lora at his arm would mean to everyone that Jimmy was a good friend of ours since hardly anyone there knew him.) He was dressed in yellow jeans and a pink top with a yellow scarf around his neck. Flamboyant, yes, but he had actually toned it down somewhat.
They joined me at the bar and the three of us drank wine. Not too long afterward Jimmy noticed something that interested him and asked...
"Who is that pretty blond haired boy standing over there?," he pointed.
Lora and I both looked and saw, much to our delight, David and his cousin Beth Raye.
"He's straight," I said.
"How do you know?" Jimmy asked.
I looked at Lora, then back at Jimmy and said, "As a matter of fact, I don't know." Then I put my face close to his, "He just came back from an extended stay in California," with as serious a look as I could muster.
"Oooooh, really. I hear things about the boys in California." Jimmy said. "Is that his sister?"
"Nope," I replied. "That's his cousin." Then put my face close to his again. "We're gonna seduce her."
"We are NOT going to seduce her," Lora said a little too loud.
Jimmy took one look at her and said, "Girlfriend you are so bad at lying. your eyes widen and your lips go straight and you look like you're just WAITING for somebody to bust you."
Right about then we hear someone yell, "Look out! Comin' through!," and saw Emily, dressed in full trench coat and fedora P.I. outfit, come pushing through the crowd are then run out the front door.
Not one of us said a word.
"So," Jimmy said, "This guy and his cousin; what are we going to do? Invite them both over to our place..."
"OUR place?" I interrupted.
"Oooookay." He said with a wee bit of an attitude. "YOUR place."
"Damn straight!" I said, then added, "And get a job!"
Just about then Danny, (Daniel Albert Poe.) walked up to our table with a pretty angry look on his face. "Where the fuck is Emily?"
Not one of us said a word.
"She just snuck up on me in the bushes when I was pissing and took my picture with her fuckin' cellphone!" (Boy, was he angry! LMFAO!)
It was very hard to hold back the laughter.
"Why were you pissing in the bushes when there's a perfectly good bathroom right over there?" I asked.
"I was outside, and didn't want to come inside, alright! Now what are YOu gonna do about this?" He said, pointing to Lora. "She's fuckin' STALKING me!"
Lora tried to answer, but ended up putting her head down into her hand and laughing. Danny didn't think it was very fuckin' funny and walked away.
We eventually caught up with Emily, she didn't get the picture of Danny's penis, and made her swear, right in front of Danny, that she would never, and I mean EVER, bother him again. (She was probably lying.) So we defused what might have been a messy sitch if Danny had actually decided to press charges, or worse, gone to Elder Malcolm.
Most of what Emily does is harmless fun, but sometimes it can be annoying. (And THAT sounded familiar! Hmmmmmmm?)
Later that night I was actually introduced to Beth Raye, but just in passing. We did, however, make eye contact TWICE during our short meeting. (Woohoo?)
More as it happens...
The Riley House
Lora is shy when it comes to certain things. Not that you would believe it if you knew her. She's a natural born leader and when it comes to her job she isn't afraid to speak her mind. But we were together for four years before I heard her use the word 'pussy.'
She rarely initiates sex, and I can't remember one single time where she initiated it with Emily. Although when Emily or I, or both, come on to Lora she jumps in with GUSTO.
She's very reserved, very calm and sure about herself outwardly, and carries herself to a certain standard because she feels that her HIGH place in the community dictates that she be 'above' certain things.
A lot of people here, especially the younger girls, look up to her.
She's witty, charming, intelligent, fun to be with, always has something to add to the conversation. She has gorgeous black hair and dark brown eyes and the face of an angel.
In seven years I can count the times she has broken down on one hand. She's very strong, you see.
Last Wednesday afternoon just before the Pasta Night crowd started to gather, when she was sitting in the dining area by herself going over the next week's menu items, a group of us including me, Elder Malcolm and his wife Vivian, Annalara and her brother Raymond, Emily, my step-dad, and both my sisters, approached her with the bronze plaque we had made for Brier Rose Court.
It read simply...
The Riley House
Founded by Lorabelle Tempest Riley
September 21, 2008
Lora broke down. She covered her mouth with both hands and couldn't stop crying. It got so bad that me and Emily had to take her to the bathroom to compose herself and stayed in there for fifteen minutes.
She still has the plaque on her side of the bed. It's supposed to go outside next to the front door, and Lora says it will eventually, but for now she just wants to stare at it.
After she had composed herself and gave heartfelt thanks to everyone that was there, and EVERYONE that came into the community center for the next two days, she gave me a BIG hug and whispered in my ear, "We should seduce Beth."
She rarely initiates sex, and I can't remember one single time where she initiated it with Emily. Although when Emily or I, or both, come on to Lora she jumps in with GUSTO.
She's very reserved, very calm and sure about herself outwardly, and carries herself to a certain standard because she feels that her HIGH place in the community dictates that she be 'above' certain things.
A lot of people here, especially the younger girls, look up to her.
She's witty, charming, intelligent, fun to be with, always has something to add to the conversation. She has gorgeous black hair and dark brown eyes and the face of an angel.
In seven years I can count the times she has broken down on one hand. She's very strong, you see.
Last Wednesday afternoon just before the Pasta Night crowd started to gather, when she was sitting in the dining area by herself going over the next week's menu items, a group of us including me, Elder Malcolm and his wife Vivian, Annalara and her brother Raymond, Emily, my step-dad, and both my sisters, approached her with the bronze plaque we had made for Brier Rose Court.
It read simply...
The Riley House
Founded by Lorabelle Tempest Riley
September 21, 2008
Lora broke down. She covered her mouth with both hands and couldn't stop crying. It got so bad that me and Emily had to take her to the bathroom to compose herself and stayed in there for fifteen minutes.
She still has the plaque on her side of the bed. It's supposed to go outside next to the front door, and Lora says it will eventually, but for now she just wants to stare at it.
After she had composed herself and gave heartfelt thanks to everyone that was there, and EVERYONE that came into the community center for the next two days, she gave me a BIG hug and whispered in my ear, "We should seduce Beth."
New World

"Tell them I don't have any enemies." ~Adrian Veidt
Brier Rose Court
The dark brown carpet is new and thick and my feet sink into it and it feels like walking on marshmallows. No shoes allowed in the master bedroom.
The two big windows overlooking what will become Blackchapel Place are 110 inches long and 60 inches wide each. The drapes are thick and match the carpet and are quiet capable of keeping every single inch of that dreaded sunlight out.
The walls are beige, (Actually the paint color has some fancy name to do with moco-something but it's really just beige.) and the woodwork is all natural with a dark varnish cover.
With the BIG BED, a dresser, two 'chests of drawers,' a desk set, Lora's chess area and the stereo system, the room is about 70% full. We still have room for decor.
"It's gonna be dark in here," Lora said that day we painted it.
I just smiled. "We can have lots of lamps." (We do.)
There are three doors. One that leads to Sara's Darkness. One that leads to the bathroom, and another that leads out into the family room.
The family room is partially furnished. It has your standard couch, arm chair, loveseat with endtables, along with a coffee station and mini fridge, the flatscreen and several bookcases. The family room is our official 'morning central' since we can grab coffee and a quick breakfast right outside where all five of us sleep.
We haven't really used the downstairs much since moving in. We ate in the breakfast nook for Sunday brunch, but don't really use the kitchen a whole lot because we usually eat at the community center. Although we will DEFINITELY be using it this weekend because we're having a HUGE party to thank everyone that helped build the house.
With the community apartments being just a stone throw away, we've actually had a few visits from some of the people that live there. My arch nemesis, Erika St Croix, stopped by with her brother Victor and stayed for awhile. It was kind of nice, too. :) (But since they didn't help build the house they aren't invited to the party, nah, nah!)
Jesca's sister, Wendy, stopped by one night and hung with us. Plus, I've watched David and his cousin Beth Raye, (The girl in the strappy sandles.) come and go from the Raye House.
Beth is SO fuckin' hot!
I can see their house from Sara's Darkness on the third floor. If I walk down, (Three DAMN flights!) the stairs to my scooter garage I can go out the exit and see their backyard pretty well.
The red brick path leads from my scooter garage back to Blackchapel Place then straight back to the storage shed. Behind that is a small patch of woods. On the other side of the woods is the pumpkin patch. (Which will now be even CLOSER for me to go out into on Halloween Night to wait for the Great Pumpkin!)
If I walk through the pumpkin patch I'll eventually reach the street that leads to the community store about a city block distance. Right around the corner from there is the community center. So we're all still close enough to our jobs that we can walk in the dead of winter and not freeze.
The house is starting to feel like home already.
Sara Poe's Fantastic Journeys

***This journal was written over a period of a few months. Beginning in early July till mid-September.***
"This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper." ~T.S.Elliot
Charlie Brewster Did The Right Thing

Twilight's shadow brings morning's fog. There are people starving STILL in the world because old people won't pass the salt. I can't say enough about how much I love Lora. I can't say enough about how much I love Lora. I can't say enough about how much I love Lora.
Thursday night is Taco Night at the community center. Since Lora took charge she has designated each night an activity night. Monday being "Pizza and a Movie," Tuesday is "Rec Night" with a choice of five different menu items, people come and play cards or darts or just sit around and talk. Wednesday is "Pasta and Circle Meetings,"Thursday we have tacos and open mic on the stage for plays, people who want to sing or read poetry or just vent their feelings. Friday and Saturday are usually when we open the bar and have a buffet of fried chicken and catfish, and Sunday is leftovers and the weekly gathering. I'm starting this journal on a Thursday, for no particular reason. It's 4:00am.
Monday we watched Fright Night part's one and two. When I was little I would always cheer for Jerry Dandridge, hoping he would snap Charlie's neck and keep on killing beautiful prostitutes. (Although I always wanted Peter Vincent to escape because he was just so damn cool.) Watching it this time, (Yeah, I actually got to sit down and watch instead of working.) I kinda started liking Charlie Brewster and cheered with everybody else when he jerked the curtain open.
Then we watched part two and I hoped he would die again.
Life has been EXHAUSTING as of late. The average day starts with we three getting up around 11:am and all making it to our respective jobs by noon. Work for myself and Emily usually ends around 6:pm, (Although "work" is a word I use LOOSELY for what Emily has been doing lately whatwith her Private Eye and Fortune Telling thing which consist of her sitting in her office above the community store watching the Maltise Falcon over and over and reading detective stories.)
Emily and I leave the community store around 6-7:pm and head over to the community center to help Lora out with the dinner crowd. By 8:pm we three are out the door and heading over to the future home of Brier Rose Court, where we stay till around 4:am doing things to get the house built.
The Lesbo Brigade, our friends from outside the community consisting of Christy, Tammy, Deanna, Kyle, Lindsey and Jimmy Mann, have been doing volunteer work on our new house. Jimmy Mann, surprisingly, is experienced in cement work and has already laid out our main drive, Brier Rose Drive, and mapped out the red brick pathway I want for our garden out back.
The girls, Christy, Tammy and Deanna, hang out with Lora, (As far up her ass as they can get.) doing the heavy stuff whilst Kyle and Lindsey, married couple, work with Emily and myself on the finer and more lightweight details that don't consist of grunting and sweating.
We have a few other young twenty-somethings from the community that hang out late and help us. My favorite cousins Gabe and Danny, (Gabriel Alan and Daniel Albert Poe.) are ALWAYS there for as late as we three want to hang. Sabastian and Jennifer Miles usually stay till the wee hours. Mostly anyone older than thirty jets on us not long after dark, but they're the ones who show up early in the mornings while we three are sleeping and do the BRUTAL work.
usually we celebrate the day's accomplishments with a brew, (Or wine in my case and a soda in Emily's.) and a joint on the front porch of the McCullough House, in which we currently reside, and talk about the next night's plan for Brier Rose Court.
By the end of July we should have all the walls of the first floor up and most of the electrical and plumbing finished. We haven't even begun to pick out a color pattern for the inside, but the outside will be overlayed with a gray stone sheeting to make it look old and, hopefully, somewhat castle-like.
The third floor is NO LONGER going to be an attic, rather it will be MY place completely. We'll have stairs going up from our bedroom on the second floor and a private entrance that goes down to my scooter garage. It will be my TRUE LIFE Sara's Darkness, and not just a blog on the Internet. Oooooh, the stories I will tell then, BWAHAHAHAHA! I'll detail the decor whenever we finally get to that part of the house.
The gymnasium, which will be on the second floor between the Master Bedroom and Laura's World, is going to take the most time to complete. Gym equipment is expensive so we're only going to buy one piece at a time and furnish it completely over the course of a year.
The same thing with the garden out back. We're doing all the brick work, along with the mock antique street lights and casibo, this year but we're going to wait till spring to plant it. The casibo will be white and I'm trying to find one that looks somewhat like a chapel. Thus the name, Whitechaple Park.
Although, now that I think of it, a BLACK casibo would be VERY cool. And I could call it Blackchaple Park. Mmmmmm....
Laura In The Sky With Diamonds

Sunday night. First party in L-Xtreme.
As you know, the new house will include a party room we three have designated "L-Xtreme." (The "L" standing for LESBIAN, of course.) Well, though it's not finished, as we've just finished the walls and ceiling, and the electricity works, we threw our first party.
Us, along with the Poe brothers, Gabe and Danny, gathered a bunch of folding tables from the community center, along with a couple dozen chairs, called up the Lesbo Brigade and told them to invite friends, and MANY people showed up at our empty and not quite finished Brier Rose Court on Saturday night.
A few people from the community that I wouldn't have expected to come to such an event showed up, too. Annalare, the Bishop family, Jesca's parents, and most of the people from the community apartments, who usually only party in their court, came and had a pretty good time.
A small group of us went trolluping through the woods and sat on the bluffs smoking weed for awhile. The flood waters have receded and West Quincy looks a mess.
Other news; Laura and Jesca are back together together. They were together before but Jesca was living with her parents. Now she's moved back into the McCullough House and current plans are for her to be a part of "Laura's World" when Brier Rose Court is finished.
We've finished most of the second and third floors. Most of the walls are finished on the second floor and once that is done work on the third floor, Sara's Darkness, will begin in full. It will be three rooms. A main room where I'll have my computer stuff, coffee station and comic book library, (Along with all my horror decor.) a half bathroom and a third, small, bare room with just a naked matrice on the floor and bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling.
For when I want to relax.

Rules to live by...
1) A place for everything and everything in it's place.
2) Well behaved women rarely make history.
3) Never take candy from strangers unless they offer you a ride.
4) You are being lied to.
5) There is no spoon.

Whitechapel Park will now be called Blackchapel Place due to the guest cabin and the casibo both having black pointy roofs.
Never, Never

I never leave the cap off the toothpaste. Emily does. I tell her time and time again, such as THIS MORNING, but she just smiles, hugs me, and says, "It'll be okay."
I never cry watching Rocky II anymore. You know, the part where Adrian says, "Win!" Pfft, not a tear.
I never leave the lids off my comic boxes. I never pass the knife drawer in the kitchen without checking to see if it's unlocked. I never refuse to play with my pussy when she craves attention (Or else she scratches up the carpet under my desk just to piss me off. Naughty pussy.) and I never turn down love makin' in the morning. (Or from a P.I. on a case.)
The first floor of the McCullough House is nearly vacant save for the kitchen stuff. The second floor is half-way packed and waiting till the second floor of Brier Rose Court is finished. We're thinking maybe late September instead of November and we can move in.
I never thought it would be so soon.
On a few occasions we, in pairs or all together, have "camped out" in the new house. It's partially furnished and has electricity and running water. The second floor has a few touch-ups still to do and the third floor needs more work but the house as a whole is nearly finished.
It's been too hot to work during the day so until the central air is connected work time has been limited to late evening through the night. Our workforce has dropped from twenty people down to about eight including us five, Gabe, Danny and Jacob.
A few nights back Lora and I were painting the master bedroom. The radio was playing and we were just being quiet, listening to it, when I started thinking about my mom and how she would never be able to see the beautiful house we were creating, or know how far I had come from the crazy girl that stayed locked in her room and online all the time, and I started to cry. I never do that any more.
It just suddenly came up from my belly and into my heart and out of my mouth and eyes at the same time. My eyes teared up so bad I couldn't see and a noise came up my throat that sounded not too unlike a dog whining. Lora must have looked at me because I felt her hands on me before I could wipe the tears from my eyes. It hurt so bad I wanted to double over and cry my eyes out but she held on fast, refusing to let me fall. Lora never lets me fall.
There have been a few nostalgic episodes from all of us over the past few weeks. Mostly at the McCullough House with sentences that start with the word 'remember.'
Laura wants to move her stuff over to Laura's World, (Which consists of her bedroom and private bath with a small adjoining room she uses as a music room, and her own balcony.) but there is NO WAY she's living there before me. NEVER HAPPEN!
My other sister, Analie, who lives in the loft on the top floor of The Poe House next door, has decided that she wants to stay there instead of moving into The McCullough House as planned. Lora and I are both a little stressed about this because that means the house will be empty again. We've gotten to love her and hoped Analie and my nephew James would keep her lights on, so to speak.
Unfortunately, for now at least, Analie said that isn't going to happen. (But at least she didn't say never.)
My desire and anticipation to get into Brier Rose Court clashes with the sadness I have leaving my home. But this isn't about me. It's about Lora and what she wants and what she has EARNED. It's about being with her and in her life because we saved each other and that's the thing that won't end.
Emily Graves, P.I.

The Case of the Donkey Dick!
It was a hot night in the little community on the bluffs. The kind of heat that makes you want to stay indoors with a cold drink and a cheap broad, not the reverse. The kind of night where anything can happen, but usually doesn't.
Emily Greta Ellison, going now by the name Emily Graves; Private Investigator, sat in her office, shades drawn, drink in hand, and thought about the rumors she had been hearing.
"It's HUGE!" She heard.
"Gotta be twelve inches," said another.
"Danny's got a dick the size of a donkey's," confirmed his brother Gabe.
It had been crawling around in her head almost constantly since she first heard the rumors.
Now, don't think for a minute that P.I.Graves was deserting the EVIL ways of Lesbianism. No, she has seen and had her share of the dreaded penis monster poking around inside of her, spewing it's vile excrement, growing up in Normal, Illinois.
No, she wasn't interested in it as a sexual thing, but rather as a person, like you or I, that, if we were in a room full of people and someone yelled, "Hey! Look at that 12 inch cock," our heads would turn. But P.I.Graves started taking the whole damn thing too seriously.
She had been sitting there for over an hour. Finally, her mind made up, she swigged back her drink, not usually one for the hard stuff, the Coke bubbles made her sneeze, (Awwwwww!) then threw on her trench and fedora and walked out the door. (She looks SO friggin' adorable coming down the stairs into the community store, her coat and hat on with her collar up and her hands in her pockets like someone is going to recognize her.)
She looked around the room and saw her first suspect. It was a cute little brunette with big brown eyes holding a clipboard and counting how many cans of tabacco were on the shelf.
"Miss," she said, "you're going to have to come with me."
The little brunette looked at her, looked down at the clipboard, then back at P.I.Graves, smiled and said, "Okay. Laura, watch the store for a few."
"Oh, God. Here they go again," came a pesterly little voice in the distance as the door shut on the storage room. Followed by a shouted, "Is this any way to run a business?!?"
"I'm going to have to search you for clues," said the P.I. to her suspect.
The brunette undid then unzipped her cut-offs, leaned against the wall and said, "Go deep."
Twenty minutes later, having gained a lot of valuable information from the first suspect, P.I.Graves headed out into the community to look for more clues.
She walked over to the only streetlight on the block and pulled out a joint from her coat pocket. She lit it. Inhaled deeply, then blew the smoke into the night air.
Across the street sat Jacob Adams' house. Or, "Jacob's Abode," as he likes to call it. And there, on the front porch, along with Jacob and his brother Gabe, sat her prime suspect in The Case of the Donkey Dick; Danial Albert Poe.
"Hey," yelled Gabe, "You gonna share that. I can smell it from here."
"Gotcha!" She thought to herself.
"Hey, boys," she said as she walked up the steps and passed the joint to Gabe. "Whatcha doin'?"
"Wondering if you're gonna pole dance for us," came an asshole remark from an asshole name Jacob.
"I will if you will," came P.I.Graves snappy comeback.
"I will if you do," came a cutie remark from cutie suspect Danny.
Thinking quickly about a way to see if the rumors were true, P.I.Graves said, "Okay, go put on a thong."
"You first," he replied, trying to be flirty.
"I've already got one on," Said P.I.Graves with and evil smile.
"So do I," said Danny with a 'what-now' look on his face.
P.I.Graves laughed, "You're clever. I like you." Hesitated..."can I see your penis?"
"Excuse me?," said Danny with a confused look on his face.
"Okay, look...I don't want to like, TOUCH IT, or, y'know, do THINGS to it. I just wanna see how big it is. `K?" said the P.I., serious as a heart attack.
Heckling from the bystanders.
"Show me yours, I'll show you mine," said Clever Danny, serious as a fuckin' issue of 'Buffy Season 8.'
The P.I. thought about it for a moment, thought about her lover Sara's reaction and wondered if the knife drawer in the kitchen was locked, then replied, "No, but show me yours anyway."
Laughter from all around.
Realizing that this form of interrogation was going nowhere, P.I.Graves walked away from the jumbled mess of good-for-nothing-but-sperm-donation bunch, and headed back to her office to reformulate her plans.
P.I.Graves walked back into the community store knowing that the task ahead was going to be HUGE, no pun intended. She would need some form of inspiration to help her through this mess and the Coca-Cola just wasn't doing it. As she started to walk up the stairs to her office she noticed her first suspect, the little brunette, squatting down and trying to push a crate under a shelf.
"Excuse me, miss," she could feel the brunette smile, "but I think you need to come with me."
The Girl In The Strappy Sandles

She walked into my life on a Wednesday, the girl in the strappy sandles did. It was Pasta Night at the community center and I first saw her standing across the dining room talking to David Raye, the Late grandma Etta Raye's grandson.
David had come home from California after grandma Etta died and never left. This new girl, had the look of a Raye, with her blond, almost white hair and green eyes, but she wasn't from around here. Nor was she from our community in Maine. Judging from her tan I assumed that she must be part of the Raye family that left the community back in the 1950s and ventured out to California. They had half-heartedly kept in touch with the community, but weren't really a part of it anymore.
I decided against approaching her then, and within an hour she and David were gone.
Friday night we have an open bar at the community center for anyone over twenty-one that wants to come and have a good time. And there again was the girl in the strappy sandles.
I was actually behind the bar washing bar glasses when she came in alone. There was an average crowd of about sixty and she started looking around to see if she recognized anybody. I looked over at Lora, who was talking to Jacob, (They've actually become good friends even though he's a sexist asshole sometimes.) and saw that she was looking in the girl's direction, too.
Now, Lora and I are of like mind. At that moment, when she turned and looked at me, I knew she wanted to see if I had spotted the girl in the strappy sandles as well.
Unspoken, I looked back at the girl, then back at Lora, and we both smiled.
Lora excused herself from Jacob and headed over to the bar.
"Who is she?" I asked.
"THAT, is Elizabeth Sarah Raye. Fresh from the Pacific coast. They call her Beth." She replied.
I looked back at Beth, who was talking to Jennifer Miles, and said, "She's hot."
"And straight," said Lora.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"David said she came here because she broke up with her boyfriend and was too crushed to stay in San Diego," said Lora with a smirk.
"Boys suck," I said before she could. "Now's the time to pounce, right?"
"We don't seduce straight girls, Miss Poe."
"We did once," I reminded her.
"Not really. Tammy wanted it. It wasn't like we were plotting or anything. She was up for it and plus we were all drunk, so..." she said, looking back at the girl, then down at her strappy sandles. "She does have nice shoes."
"Nice enough to seduce her?" I questioned.
"Have you been drinking?" She asked, poking her head over the bar to see if I had a glass stashed.
"No. I'm just saying. Look at her. She's hot, newly single...vulnerable." I said.
"Stop." She cut me off. "You sound like one of THEM!"
"I'm an EVIL lesbian, bitch, I can be worse than THEM!" I said then poked my head forward for a kiss.
She hesitated, then said, "Do you really want her?"
I was slightly startled at that.
"No...I was just..." and couldn't really find words till, "Do you?" I asked.
Lora didn't reply right away. Instead she took a long look at the girl in the strappy sandles, then back at me and finally, "We'll talk about it later.
Then she smiled and walked back over to Jacob.

There's a little tiny black spider that lives under my bed and sometimes crawls up on my pillow at night. No, I don't have bugs, the little black spider just knows that we're friends, is all. I'm going to miss him.
The house is nearly finished. While we're still "living" at the McCullough House, we actually don't spend too much time there. Next week or so Lora, Emily and I, alone, will come here and pack up the last few remaining things we have and carry them to Brier Rose Court. I imagine walking out the front door that last time, with her fate still uncertain, will be very hard for us.
Brier Rose Court is an amazing sight to behold. At least for us it is. The drive comes in at a circle with enough parking for ten cars. (If you kinda SQUEEZE them. Plus, there's parking on the street for when we have parties in L-Xtreme.)
The entire three story house is overlaid with a gray mock-stone. We have a huge front porch and a red brick pathway that stretches from the front, around the side and into the back yard to our as yet unfinished Blackchapel Place.
Walking into the front door; there is a large foyer with a double staircase. To the right is the living room and to the left is our Circle Room. Straight forward is the kitchen with it's own little breakfast nook. To the right of the kitchen is the dining room, master bathroom, and the entrance to L-Xtreme.
We have a pantry and laundry room off the kitchen. (No cellar, boo hoo.)
Walk up the double staircase and you walk into our family room. (It's kinda like a second living room but with cooler furniture.) Off the family room is the master bedroom, Laura's World, the soon-to-be gymnasium, Lora's office, the guest bedroom and a quaint little balcony just big enough for five or six people.
The entrance to the third floor, Sara's Darkness, is in the master bedroom. I've only just started to move stuff up there to decorate it. My computer is still here, at the McCullough House, and since that will be the centerpiece I'm not in such a big hurry to get it done.
We debated putting up a fence in front. Not to keep people out because there is NOT ONE fence in the community, but rather for show. I had my eyes on this black gothic one that would have looked SO COOL with the gray stonework. But in the end it didn't seem right for two reasons.
One; having a fence means you want to keep people out. That is the last impression we want to give the rest of the community. Two; it would have been too flashy. Lora has a lot of 'power' in the community. She likes to keep a low profile and believes that she needs to set an example for everyone else. (Yeah, she's kinda high-and-mighty on herself but it's true so...)
Also, although we're only about the distance of two city blocks from the old house, we're going to have new neighbors. Before, it was my family, Elder Malcolm and his wife, the Montclair and St Croix families, and Annalara. The community center was right across the street and the community store around the corner.
Now we're right next door to the Raye House, just across the pumpkin patch is the Bishop House, across the street is Jesca's family, and just down the way is the community apartments. (Which should make for some fun stories down the line.) The community center is now two blocks away but the community store is STILL around the corner. (Just another block to walk is all.)
I published the first issue of the community newsletter last week. "The Community Chronicles" wasn't as big a hit as I'd hoped. I put a hundred copies in the community center and there were about thirty of them gone this evening. I got a couple of comments but nothing big.
Elder Malcolm actually took a big part in it. So much that I gave him his own desk in the office. (The "office" being the room next to Emily Graves, P.I.'s office on the second floor of the community store.)
Elder Malcolm contributed some recipes and wrote two articles for the newsletter. He also has a couple of ideas that I'm going to use.
All in all I would say that life is going pretty swell. Just in case the two or three of you that still read this wanted to know. :)
Interview with the Lesbian

***This interview was conducted by Editor In Chief of the monthly newsletter, The Community Chronicles, Sara Jane Poe. This is the unedited version.***
Interviewer; Let me introduce the two participants in this, the first of what I hope will become a regular column with different community members each month, Lorabelle Tempest Riley, activity coordinator of our community center, and Emily Greta Ellison, who works at our community store.
Emily; And...
Interviewer; And is the community private investigator known as Emily Graves, P.I.
Emily; Thank you.
Interviewer; First I want to ask you to both give a brief description of how you came to live in the community. Lora...
Lora; Well, I was having some problems at home and you and I were together, I mostly stayed at your house anyway, so one night, when I couldn't get my mom out of the bar I called you, ("You" is the interviewer.) and you came and rescued me. That's when Billy, (The interviewer's step-dad.) talked my mom into letting me live with your family for a while. I've been here every since.
Interviewer; Seven years.
Lora; Seven great years.
Interviewer; Okay, Emily...
Emily; Uuuuuh, you guys seduced me and I stayed.
Lora; Can you print that?
Interviewer; Watch me. (Laughter from all.) Okay, next question; What do you like most about living here?
Lora; That we're not judged. We're treated as equals and our opinion means something. That, and the fact that I feel a sense of accomplishment every day I do my job.
Interviewer; I like that. Emily...
Emily; I was going to say all the lesbian sex we have but now that sounds so petty. (More laughter.) I guess it's because I can be who I want to be and nobody looks at me like a weirdo.
Lora; Sara paved the way for you.
Interviewer; Hey!
Emily; Plus, everybody here is so cool.
Interviewer; Okay, speaking of lesbian sex...
Pause Tape...
Interviewer; Okay, where were we?
Emily; Why does she always have to pee after we do it?
Interviewer; I think she washes off.
Emily; What, she doesn't like having both of our spit all over her pussy?
Interviewer; That was hot.
Pause Tape...
Interviewer; Everybody ready? Okay, give me a brief description of your job.
Lora; I love my job. Especially since you order all the weekly supplies at the store now. That took a lot of time. I plan out all the weekly events. Not only at the community center, but for the festivals and any other celebrations we have.
Interviewer; You do a damn fine job.
Emily; I help you at the community store.
Interviewer; Okay, now...
Emily; And...! (laughter) I solve mysteries and am learning to tell people's fortunes. I'm actually working on a big, and I mean HUGE case right now that...
Interviewer; You need to drop that.
Emily; Why? I can't let a case go unsolved.
Lora; You're starting to freak Danny out. He said you tried to peek at him through the bathroom window yesterday. (Heh, with her trench coat and fedora on.)
Emily; Look me in the eyes and tell me honestly that you don't want to see it!
Lora; I DON'T want to see it.
Emily; Okay, you probably don't, but you, (Points to interviewer.) I know you want to see it.
Interviewer; Well...I'm not DYING to see it, but if I were in a crowded room and somebody yelled, "Hey! Look at that 12 inch..."
Lora; Why do you encourage her?
Interviewer; Insanity needs to be encouraged or it fades away.
Emily; Yeah! Hey..?
Interviewer; Oooookay; next question; If you could sleep with any one of our friends, who would it be?
Lora; That's not going in the newsletter.
Interviewer; No, but I want to know.
Lora; None of them.
Emily; Your sister. Laura, not Analie.
Interviewer; That's too close to incest.
Emily; How?
Interviewer; Because after you ate her out you'd come right to me and do the same with her pussy juices still all over your face.
Emily; (Smiles.) I would, too.
Lora; Okay, you guys need to stop. Laura and Jesca are off limits, period. We agreed.
Interviewer; We didn't agree on Jesca.
Emily; I love her boobs.
Lora; Jesca is off limits by association.
Interviewer; Feh!
Emily; Yeah! What she said.
Lora; I'm gonna hide your Maltese Falcon dvd if you start.
Emily; Evil lesbian.
Lora; Dick wanna-seer.
Emily; What? Oh, okay. DO NOT! Well, I do, but not for any other reason than to solve this huge, and I mean HUGE mystery.
Interviewer; Ew, but it's just so gross.
Emily; I know. (Crinkles nose.) Hey, maybe we could devise a trap that would just CHOP it off and we could examine it then.
Lora; Slice it open and see how it gets hard.
Interviewer. But if we chopped it off then it wouldn't get hard. My suggestion would be to invite him over, get him into the cellar, and let me take care of the rest.
Silence on the tape...
Lora; Nah, we'd get in too much trouble.
Emily; Not as much if we left him alive, right?
Interview; This is getting too long. I still have seven more questions.
Lora; We can finish tomorrow night.
End Tape...

My grandmother isn't a monster. My grandmother isn't a monster. My grandmother isn't a monster. My grandmother isn't a monster!
That's what I kept repeating to myself over and over the first time I remember staying at my grandmother's house. I was about seven or eight and we, mom, dad, self and two sisters, were visiting from Chicago. Analie was around eleven and was laying next to me telling me how my grandmother was known as the pig-lady and went to prison for cutting little kid's heads off and digging out their brains with her long sharp fingernails. Laura, who was only about five, was already fast asleep.
I remember laying there in the bedroom my sister Laura now has and thinking that I had to get out of there before my grandma came creeping through the door wanting to scrape MY brains out.
A year or so later, after my dad died and my family moved into the McCullough House with my grandmother, she wasn't very nice to us girls. I've always thought that she hated us because her son, my father, died and we lived. I've always thought that she knew what was inside of me.
The darkness.
The way she would look at me sometimes...
So, I guess it wasn't a surprise that after Lora and I moved into the McCullough House, my grandmother, dead for over a year, would start visiting me late at night when I was alone and usually online.
Okay, YES, I know NOW that it was just my imagination and now, after six different levels of medication, I know longer see my dead grandma.
I no longer see wallgnomes or those little metal buzzing fly thingies or any other such thing that use to haunt most of my waking hours. (I won't even begin to tell you what lurked within my dreams.) I no longer feel her watching me.
But the thing is...
See, and I know this might sound a weeeeeee bit crazy but...
But I still think she's here.
I still 100% believe that she walks the floors of this house all the time and just can't make contact any more because the heavy meds have blocked whatever allowed me to know of her.
Sometimes, the way she use to do, I still feel her rotting head laying on my knee. She would just appear on the floor next to me while I was at the Bendis Board or Agric's board or any other place I visited, and lay her head on my knee.
I would pretend I didn't notice her as much as possible. The maggots would fall off her head and land on my feet, trying desperately to wiggle their slimy little bodies between my toes to escape from the light, but still I would just sit there and take it. Hoping she would take the hint but all the while knowing she wouldn't leave until I actually jumped up from my desk and scream, "LEAVE ME ALONE, BITCH!"
Which would usually wake Lora and I would have to come to bed.
The wallgnomes weren't so bad except for that time I imagined that they were in my hair and I was bleeding all over my face. Lora found me crying at my desk and I went to Newman Clinic for a weekend for observation.
That was fucked up.
I hadn't been there since that time I poisoned Erika St Croix's dog and I hated it as much the second time as I did the first. (But I'm much better now.)
Will I miss dead grandmas? Will I miss the thought of her standing behind me wringing her rotting hands or sitting at my feet saying, "Grandma just wants pretty-pretty to brush her hair."
No. No I don't think so. I think I've grown beyond that.
For now...
The McCullough House

Four years past...
I remember the smell mostly. The old house hadn't been opened in more than a year, since my grandmother died. Plastic sheets and large flat boards covered the windows and kept out the fresh air so the place smelled of dust and unused furniture.
My mother was the one who suggested Lora and I move in. We had been living at 5th Street Apartments when my step-dad owned them, (We actually had to get REAL jobs in Quincy! UGH!) and I wasn't coping well with being away from the community. Lora loved the idea from jump.
The electricity wasn't connected when we first went to check the place out so we didn't venture far into the darkness. Mostly we looked around the first floor to see what furniture was there. The old house felt very alone. I stood in the foyer at the bottom of the staircase and couldn't help but to say out loud...
"She's still here."
Which made Lora CREEP up behind me, touch my shoulder and scare the crap out of me.
"This place has been silent for eighteen months, baby..." she said, putting her arms around my belly and her chin on my shoulder to comfort me,"...and we'll have a whole house to do with as we please."
I looked up the stairs, the only light stretched up the floor from the open front door, and thought I saw a shadow pass. But those were times of less medication and I thought I saw shadows pass just about everywhere so I let it go then. Let it go not knowing the hurt and growth this house would force on me over the next four years.
"It'll be just the two of us? Forever?" I asked, knowing but still wanting to hear her say it.
"Just the two of us. Always." She said. (Pfft! Till half the lesbians in Quincy moved in with us.)
"Can weeee..." I hesitated, "decorate with skulls and spiders and bats?"
She squeezed me tighter, "Maybe."
"Maybe, but probably not, right?" I asked.
She squeezed even tighter still and made a slight rocking motion, "Mmmmmmm, maybe but probably not, right!"
Then she turned me around and kissed me quickly.
"This can be US. OUR home. Our Always and Forever." She said with a please-say-yes look on her face.
"It smells," I said, kissing her, "but, yes."
this is the way the world ends
And that's the last tale from the McCullough House. I don't know whats to become of her. She'll sit there till the family makes their final decision, I suppose. Most likely though, in a few weeks men will show up with plastic sheets and large flat boards to cover the windows as she was when Lora and I first walked in to her that day. Dark, silent and alone.
As we walked towards the front door that last time I heard a creaking noise coming from the attic and remembered that I had left dead grandma's rocker next to the window...
~Sara Jane Poe
The McCullough House

The Naming Of Things

I'm there now. I'm there right this very minute. I'm there sitting on the couch next to her in my mother's living room the first time she tells me that she loves me. My heart swells at the words. Other than my mom and dad, no one as ever told me this, and surely no one with the look she had in her eyes that day.
I manage to murmur out a squeeky, "Me, too." Not with the GUSTOIC, "I'm in love with you! You have to know that!," that she had said just seconds before, but, with extreme shock running through my body, I barely managed to give her any indication that my love was as true and as strong as her's.
But she knew. She's Always known.

Current day...
We broke ground on the new house today, July the first. It will be called "Brier Rose Court" and will be the official residence of The Riley House. Yes, Lora is getting her own House. I won't go into loooooong and boring detail on what that means, just to say that whilst there are nearly 300 people in our little community on the bluffs, there are only SEVENTEEN "Houses."
'nuff said.

The McCullough House, at which we currently reside, will be taken over by my older sister, Analie Marie McCullough. Twenty-five years old with one SQUEERMY little rugrat named James Seymour. (James, after my dad.) They'll be moving from The Poe House next door, where my family has lived with my step-dad since I was eleven.
This is the first time in over ten years that The Poe House won't have a McCullough living in it.

We've set up a Grand Central on our kitchen table to plan and plot out the new house for the past few weeks. None of us are architects but we all know what we want. I guess the biggest thing we're doing is making a party room. We're calling it "L Xtreme" and it will have a bar, dance floor, (Dance floor can get covered by mats for nude lesbian oil wrestling.) and possibly a dj booth. It depends on how much such a thing will cost us.
The whole thing will sit on an acre of land. All four of us will have our own "space,' of course. At first it wasn't a sure thing that I would get my own attic, but after weighing costs and supplies it seems that "Sara's Darkness" will exist after all.
It's been agreed by all three of us that my little sister is part of our family. (But she's the NON-sexual part because she's so icky.) She's calling her room, with private bath and audeo room, "Laura's World."

My sweet, sweet yet single minded love-of-my-life Lora only wants one thing. (One. Thing.) An office that PRECISELY Matches her office at the community center.
Emily wants a gym. She doesn't have any hobbies, (Except that she's a PRIVATE DICK now, more on that in a minute.) and has no interests except lesbian sex, partying and telling corny jokes, but she wants to make sure we all stay in shape and no one ever gets tubby.
I'm also designing a park/garden type thingie in the back. I want to make the pathways red brick with Victorian decor. I'm calling it "Whitechaple High."

Most of our free time has been spent at Grand Central and the house is nearly completely designed. We've got a dozen volunteers plus we've hired outside contractors to do the plumbing, electrical work and the roof, when we get the walls up that is, and HOPEFULLY we'll be able to move in before winter.
The entire thing, house, park, L Xtreme and all, probably will take a year to finish. The community is footing most of the bill, but my trust fund is going to furnish it.
Okay, on to other happenings...
Summer Solstice just passed.

I have OFFICIALLY taken over the community store. Most of the shipping and receiving, plus the ordering of goods and stuff, is done through the store. That's me. Emily and Laura, Jesca, Gabriel and Daniel to a lesser extant, help out, but I'm the one in charge.

Scary. :(
My first act was to empty out the two rooms on the second floor. (The community store was once a house that sat empty for years so we converted it.) The biggest room is going to be used as our OFFICIAL newspaper office. Yep, since, as you all know, I was the Editor In Chief of the Senior AND Junior High School newspapers, (YAY, ME!) I've decided to start a monthly community news letter. I'm calling it, "Tales From The Bluffs."
Several people have already volunteered to write stuff for it and Elder Malcolm says it's a good idea and he will try to add a thing or two, too, to, 2.
The other room, the one that sits in the back of the second floor next to the bathroom... Emily claimed it. The second she saw it and heard me say, "I don't know what to do with this yet," she turned towards me, put both hands on my shoulders, and with the most serious look she could muster said, "This...was meant for me."

"What for," I asked.
She takes a look back over her shoulder into the room, slowly, dramatically, like the HAM she is, and says, "I'm going to become a Private Investigator."
She turns back towards me, serious as a HEART ATTACK look still on her face, and I ask, "Don't you need a license for that?"

"It's the fifties, ma'am..."she replies, "we don't need no stinkin' licences'."
The next time I saw her she was wearing my "Harriet the Spy" trench coat with a Bogart hat on trying to carry an old wooded desk up the stairs.
She even made business cards.

My favorite part is when she's on a "case" and comes downstairs to take me in the back room to "interrogate" me.
We haven't started packing yet, as the move is still an entire season away, but things at The McCullough House seem...different somewhat.

Temporary, almost.
I remember when we first sat down at Grand Central to throw around ideas about what we wanted for the house. I remember thinking that this would be our home FOREVER. that Brier Rose Court was IT for us. I remember Lora standing there, forever our leader, talking about how this could be our dream house and she was so excited.

I remember nearly seven years earlier, sitting on the couch in my mom's living room, and of all the things that has changed over the years, the one thing (One. Thing.) that has always, Always and Forever, stayed the same, was that I have Lora with me.
Without her...I would probably just destroy the world.

More as it happens...


The comic that I had a (small) part of can now be seen ONLINE!
As you can see...

...the lesbian relationship that Buffy was getting into is pretty much over. :( At least we get this...

Oh, well. Maybe in the future...?

Tales From The Bluffs
For those who wish to know...
We three have changed our lifes somewhat over the past few weeks. Instead of early mornings we have opted to do afternoons. We usually sleep till 11am and show up at our respective work assignments around noonish. At the community center, Jacob, Sabastian, Laura and Jesca handle breakfast as it's usually slow this time of year.
When Lora and I arrive I'm off to the second floor to play librarian. (Yes, DM Jim, I wear the glasses. ^_^) Lora assigned me the library because she knows I like the quiet time. There are usually only a few people that use the library in the afternoons, and mostly to get online. Rarely do books get checked out, although the older peeps in the community do come by to read.
Emily takes over for Annalara at the community store around noonish, also. Laura and Jesca then leave the community center and go help Emily till around 6pm then my cousins Gabe and Danny take over.
Emily then comes to the community center and the two of us either hang out there helping Lora or go home for a while. Depends on how tired we are.
At night we sit on our front porch and wait for people to gather. Gabe and Danny are usually first to arrive. Jacob comes after he cleans up the community center kitchen. My step-dad sometimes joins us and often a couple members of the Lesbo Brigade, usually Tammy and Christy, stop by.
Sometimes the porch gets pretty crowded, sometimes not. When people start to leave I hop on my bike and ride around the community to see what's going on. I haven't pulled my scooter out of the shed yet, as riding the bike is quieter and a "night thing" to do.
Two BIG things; First, Elder Malcolm asked me to take over running the community store. Annalara is busy with the community gardens, we have three now, and Emily isn't really up to it and doesn't want the responcibility anyways. I do most of the ordering at the community center and that's mainly what is needed at the store. The ordering of goods and supplies.
Elder Malcolm HIMSELF asked me to do this, which, here in our little community on the bluffs, is a pretty special thing. Plus, mostly when Elder Malcolm has asked to talk to me in the past it's meant that I've either toilet papered his house or done some other such thing that requires I have a "talking to."
I was kinda scared about taking the position but after thinking about how much respect Lora gets for the AMAZING job she's done running the community center, I think maybe I want a little of that, too.
The second thing; Lora wants to build us a house. The McCullough House, the one we currently live in, is a hundred years old and moreso lately than not, things have needed repairs. The community has plenty of extra funds to restore the house, and it is my family's HOUSE, but there's a small couple of acres just next to the pumpkin patch that has sat empty since a fire burned down the house that sat there in the 1950s.
The new house would have a beautiful view overlooking the bluffs and have every modern conveinance. Plus Dead Grandma and the wallgnomes would be left behind for whomever takes over the old house. (Most likely my sister, Analie, and her son would move in there.)
Lora has promised that IF we decide to build a new house I'll have my very own personal attic to put my comic books and computer stuff in. No windows and an air conditioner that runs all year long, plus my own private entrance with a scooter/bike garage.
Emily, too, will have her own space to do with as she will. She currently doesn't really have any hobbies, but has always expressed an interest in aquariums so she might have an aquatic room. Lora of course wants a home office. Not a den or a place she can relax, but an actual office copied precicely after her office at the community center.
More as it happens...
We three have changed our lifes somewhat over the past few weeks. Instead of early mornings we have opted to do afternoons. We usually sleep till 11am and show up at our respective work assignments around noonish. At the community center, Jacob, Sabastian, Laura and Jesca handle breakfast as it's usually slow this time of year.
When Lora and I arrive I'm off to the second floor to play librarian. (Yes, DM Jim, I wear the glasses. ^_^) Lora assigned me the library because she knows I like the quiet time. There are usually only a few people that use the library in the afternoons, and mostly to get online. Rarely do books get checked out, although the older peeps in the community do come by to read.
Emily takes over for Annalara at the community store around noonish, also. Laura and Jesca then leave the community center and go help Emily till around 6pm then my cousins Gabe and Danny take over.
Emily then comes to the community center and the two of us either hang out there helping Lora or go home for a while. Depends on how tired we are.
At night we sit on our front porch and wait for people to gather. Gabe and Danny are usually first to arrive. Jacob comes after he cleans up the community center kitchen. My step-dad sometimes joins us and often a couple members of the Lesbo Brigade, usually Tammy and Christy, stop by.
Sometimes the porch gets pretty crowded, sometimes not. When people start to leave I hop on my bike and ride around the community to see what's going on. I haven't pulled my scooter out of the shed yet, as riding the bike is quieter and a "night thing" to do.
Two BIG things; First, Elder Malcolm asked me to take over running the community store. Annalara is busy with the community gardens, we have three now, and Emily isn't really up to it and doesn't want the responcibility anyways. I do most of the ordering at the community center and that's mainly what is needed at the store. The ordering of goods and supplies.
Elder Malcolm HIMSELF asked me to do this, which, here in our little community on the bluffs, is a pretty special thing. Plus, mostly when Elder Malcolm has asked to talk to me in the past it's meant that I've either toilet papered his house or done some other such thing that requires I have a "talking to."
I was kinda scared about taking the position but after thinking about how much respect Lora gets for the AMAZING job she's done running the community center, I think maybe I want a little of that, too.
The second thing; Lora wants to build us a house. The McCullough House, the one we currently live in, is a hundred years old and moreso lately than not, things have needed repairs. The community has plenty of extra funds to restore the house, and it is my family's HOUSE, but there's a small couple of acres just next to the pumpkin patch that has sat empty since a fire burned down the house that sat there in the 1950s.
The new house would have a beautiful view overlooking the bluffs and have every modern conveinance. Plus Dead Grandma and the wallgnomes would be left behind for whomever takes over the old house. (Most likely my sister, Analie, and her son would move in there.)
Lora has promised that IF we decide to build a new house I'll have my very own personal attic to put my comic books and computer stuff in. No windows and an air conditioner that runs all year long, plus my own private entrance with a scooter/bike garage.
Emily, too, will have her own space to do with as she will. She currently doesn't really have any hobbies, but has always expressed an interest in aquariums so she might have an aquatic room. Lora of course wants a home office. Not a den or a place she can relax, but an actual office copied precicely after her office at the community center.
More as it happens...
Things To Do In Quincy Illinois After Midnight

I can't tell you just how busy we've been since returning from Maine. Days spent working, getting things at the community center ready for summer. Nights spent mostly partying or somesuch other thing we three do in the way of entertainment. Though we're mostly happy sitting at home cuddled up in the BIG BED watching a flick, since it's been warm all the freaks have begun to venture out into the night.
We, of course, consider ourselves as such, and have much love for the other freaks in Quincy.
Quincy, Illinois. Called the gem of the Midwest. Gem City. Tree City USA several times running. Twice voted THE All-American city. A very pleasant mixture of old world, small town, and modern day chic all blended together.
The city is so friendly and safe that last month an event happened that hadn't happened in twenty years. A cop was unfortunately forced to shoot a man that was supposedly attacking him. The first time in twenty friggin' years that's happened. You'll get a lot of varying opinions about aspects of the city from it's residents, but nobody can deny just how safe it is here.
The nights are especially beautiful here. In the community, surrounded by a small stretch of woods, you can hear the animals as they prowl for food and sex and mischief. In the city people walk the streets of downtown, gather in Washington Park, (Our town square.) go to the Mall or the movies or one of the many fine restaurants. Plus there's always some event going on. Especially on the weekend when it's warm out.
Through the week we three have been doing a lot of partying with friends, although not much drinking. It started out as just catching up, since we hadn't seen them in over a month, but it's turned into a regular nightly thing. And it hasn't been just a few hours a night. The Lesbo Brigade usually all get off of their perspective jobs and gather together and by 10pm we're conjoined completely.
The breakfast crowd at the community center this time of year is usually small so Lora and I have changed our hours away from early mornings. We're there for the lunch crowd and stay till after the dinner mess is cleaned up. Elder Malcolm and Jacob, (Jacob is Elder Malcolm's son, by the way.) cook and clean up for breakfast now, with Laura, Jesca and Sabastian helping out.
At the community store, Emily, who has been there for two years now, has been given a lot of morning time off, too. Annalara can manage things most of the time by her self, so Emily comes in near noon and stays till 6pm. After that Laura and Jesca come and take over. (Actually, they go there, drink soda pop and eat munchies all evening whilst sitting on the porch chattering with whomever will come talk to them.)
All this time rearranging has made it possible to spend more late night hours hangin' wif the hommies. :)

Monday night we were invited to join the apartment people, (yeah, community apartments.) for a BBQ. Sabastian and his wife Jennifer, along with my arch nemesis, (Former?) Erika St Croix and her brother Victor. Herbert, Charles and Jennifer Bishop, and a bunch of others.
We were up, and rather noisy, probably till past 2am. The apartments sit with their center court facing the bluffs and the view is beautiful. There's a waste high wall we sit on running the length or the courtyard. There was lots of ribs and lots of beer and since putting aside our past differences, the Brigade and the apartment people got along pretty well.
Tuesday we helped Christy, URBER-HOT 32 year old blond lesbian who has been MYSTERIOUSLY single for the five years we've known her, move into her new place and she thanked us by treating to Kregers for dinner. Then we went to Tammy's house to watch movies and drank wine.
Wednesday Lora got ahold of "the best pot she's had in years," and of course she had to share it with just about everybody that smokes weed in Quincy. We actually ended the night walking down Maine Street from 30th waaaaaaaaaay down to 6th Street smoking weed all along the way. All seven of us and probably didn't see a soul out that I can remember.
Thursday night was a home night kinda sorta. We had about a dozen people over but it didn't stay contained to the house. We roamed the community talking to whomever we found out, or knocked on doors if we saw lights on, and smoked weed and drank wine coolers, (Ick.) and had a jolly ole' time till about 3am.
On Friday night, Maine Street was closed off between 5th and 6th for the Ally & Co Runway Fashion Show with live music and some very cool lighting. We met and hung out with a few of the models and even made a..."friend" of one of them.
She said she'd come back for the festival in October but we'll see.
Unfortunately, whilst all of our friends partied and had fun, we three had to stay home and go to bed early due to Sunday being Mother's Day and the community center would be overflowing with people and their mothers. We served breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. The place was finally empty and cleaned by 10pm and we were so tired that we didn't even shower. We crawled into bed sweaty and stinky and greasy and even a little rank and passed out till daybreak.
Today, Monday, I opted to take the day off work and sit at home to write this post. I've been eating cold pizza and glazed doughnuts and drinking coffee all day. I showered this morning but put my pjs back on and haven't left the house.
Jesca came over after she got off work at the center around noon and crawled into bed with me. I tried to get her to take her jeans off so she would be more comfy but Laura came home and spoiled it.
I almost had those jeans off of her, too.

Lora and Emily should be home soon. I'm going to cook dinner now and hopefully NOT go out tonight.


John Ray, brother of the man most people believe killed Martin Luther King Jr., lives in Quincy and dabbles in conspiracy theory.
By Ellis E. Conklin
Published on April 02, 2008
The brother of the man most people believe killed Martin Luther King Jr. lives in a miniature brick house near the languishing downtown of Quincy, Illinois. Inside, the brown carpet is mottled, and the place smells of mildew and unfinished TV dinners. It is teeth-chatteringly cold, mainly because John Larry Ray barely has two nickels to rub together after he pays the $300 monthly rent.


The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
by Vincent Bugliosi, the man who put away Charles Manson
Published on Friday, May 9, 2008 by CommonDreams.org

There is direct evidence that President George W. Bush did not honorably lead this nation, but deliberately misled it into a war he wanted. Bush and his administration knowingly lied to Congress and to the American public — lies that have cost the lives of more than 4,000 young American soldiers and close to $1 trillion.


The Cutest Lesbian Scenes

Blower's Daughter

Homosexuality in Animals

Crazy Ping pong













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