
I Need Some INTERNET Pussy!

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"Pussy is just better than dick." ~Lorabelle Tempest Riley

Nothing new with the Apartment People. We still seem to dislike them and they us.

My first and best friend growing up, Catherine Montclair, called today and said she would be coming home once she recieved her BA this June. Catherine grew up across the street from me, was pretty much my only friend for YEARS, introduced me to the JOYS of lesbian sex, then decided she liked the eViL penis monster better than pussy so...
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She's been gone, other than coming home for the occasional festival, for four years and I miss her so. Everyone is happy she's coming back.

We three went shopping today and bought the SEXIEST schoolgirl outfits we could find. Plaid skirts SO short you think, "Why can't I see CROTCH?" Yes, these are solely for sexual purpose. We're going to lock ourselves inside all weekend and wear them the entire time. From Saturday morning to Sunday night without taking them off even if we shower.
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Mmmmmm, wet schoolgirls.

I asked my little sister to join us, JOKINGLY, but she has opted to stay the weekend with her friend Kerri.
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I've been contacted by five different artists and have sent them info on the web strip I want to do but none of them have gotten back to me yet.

I'm still looking for more artists.

Cousin Gabe, (Gabriel Alan Poe, 24.) seems very fastinated by our lesbian trio. He likes to visit in the evenings and asks lots of questions. Not questions of a sexual nature either, but more of how we make our relationship work type of Qs.
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Cousin Danny, (Daniel Albert Poe, 20.) seems more interested in my little sister. Since we're only related by marriage, he seems to think it's a perfectly fine thing to date your cousin.

None of us, including my sister, think that way. Luckily he's not a creepy stalker type. He's actually a doll. Just semmingly niave.
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I still believe that my sister wants to be a lesbian WITHOUT actually BEING a lesbian. She doesn't seem interested in sex with guys but she DEFIANTELY isn't interested in sex with girls. (Tho this is a thing of debate recetly between me and Emily.)

School has been going really well. I was pretty scared to go back ight after the V Tech shootings. All the students were basically given free passes for that week but Monday after school went back to normal and things have been good.

The school is old and spooky and has dark hallways and deep basements that I have YET to explore and I feel VERY comfy there. Most students, Christians tho they be, dress in dark clothes which just adds to the atmosphere and makes things seem even MORE spooky.
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My new moped runs very, VERY well.

I'm still SERIOUSLY considering getting an Internet Girlfriend. I told Emily about it and she said, "I was gonna do that...but you were too restrictive about who I could have."

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Goth Girls Are Easy by Lesbian Bed Death!

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Sabrina said...

Ola, hot stuff.

Having those urges again? ;)

Retro VGM Revival Hour said...

oooh goth girl video....love those corsets

and yeah, im a lesbian too....just got my x and y chromosomes mixed during the whole 'creation of life' time in my mommy's belly!

and hey, that stuff i told you about myself, seemed that you literaly got knocked out of yer seat huh?

you're me with a vagina.....
and im you with a icky penis

i have brough balance to the force........weird balance, but it tastes great!!!

Retro VGM Revival Hour said...

st 2 comments?

the hell, i thought everyone would be jumpin on the internet pussy wagon, lol

anywho, just showing some love dear......again

XSaraXPoeX said...
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XSaraXPoeX said...

Sabs; :heart: 4U! ^_^

Moonspider; Yep, visitor count is WAY but but no one comments. :\

But they READ! :)


Retro VGM Revival Hour said...

look but no touch huh?

eh, whatever i still comment to show i care and love..

have fun this weekend babe...rock hard